Best Rooftop Bars in KL

Written by Updated ago

Imagine this: You rent a helicopter to take you around Kuala Lumpur so you can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the vibrant cityscape from a bird’s-eye view. Isn’t that great? Well, the problem is, renting a helicopter ride is hardly cheap at all. Depending on the different helicopter rental services, a single ride alone could cost you a fortune—at least RM150 per person. Thankfully, there’s another way to admire the cityscape, and that would be visiting some of the rooftop bars found around the Kuala Lumpur area. You see, rooftop bars are actually a place where you and your companion can dine on good food or savour cool drinks (read: alcoholic beverages such as cocktails and hard liquors), while enjoying the spectacular views of the city horizon.

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