Best Teppanyaki in KL

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Derived from the words teppan, which means hot plate and yaki, which means grill. The result is a simple addition that leads to what we know now as teppanyaki. Prepared and cooked on a hot griddle, the constant selling point of the teppanyaki is the freshness and smoking hot texture of the ingredients and food, lacing the palate with sizzling and moreish wonders. A staple layout consists of individual island counters that will have customers seated in front of the griddle, where the magic happens. Nevertheless, many Japanese restaurants have the setups at the back, allowing customers who are not fond of smoky environments and volatile oil. Having said that, here are some of the best recommended teppanyaki in KL.

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    Open Now

    Hanare Japanese RestaurantPork free d90bfb235d64e73ff14d8ad65b89aaab71a3af43962907cb9cd494af0a63fa21

    Hanare is known for their authentic take in Japanese food, providing solace to those who seek a discerning spectrum of dishes. The ingredients here are sourced and air flown from markets in Japan, which results in fresh and refined dishes. The teppanyaki here is no exception- served to you smoking hot and fragrant. Be it savoury beef or umami-infused scallops, all your palate need is the honed skills of the chefs. 


    A weekend buffet is available.

    Things to expect

    Impeccable service and a terrific sushi bar.

    Best with

    Fugu Shirako Tempura (Seasonal)


    RM30.00 to RM300.00

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    Hanare Japanese Restaurant View restaurant

    Ground Floor, Intermark Mall, 348 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, City Center, Kuala Lumpur
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