Best Roti Bakar in Penang

Written by Updated ago

Despite the steady stream of bagels, croissants and French toasts mingling among the bread fare these days, a perfectly done “Roti Bakar” certainly takes the cake. This subtle dish is a childhood comfort that has lingered forever, notwithstanding the march of time and bombastic new combinations. Classics are second to none, thick slab of bread with speckles of chars smeared with melting butter and rich kaya (coconut jam) spread, and paired with a cup of half-boiled eggs, this is a match made in heaven. Be it a staple startup of the day, nibble on the go or chock-full feast during supper, Penang is wide open with toasty and tasty temptations. 

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    Closed Now

    Joo Leong CafeNon halal 01f78899591256b47a2708a65f6538333b86089a30fbd22545a41deece4ea490

    An unassuming and rustic cafe that is just five minutes away from the airport, fairly the best place to gun down lip-smacking breakfast once you touch down the island. It’s usually chock-full with clienteles, not a surprise once you delve in their Roti Bakar. Pleasantly charred, suffused with rich kaya and butter plus a sprinkle of sugar, it simple yet satisfying. Never miss its best pals, half-boiled egg and Chinese-style black coffee, a combination that is hard to resist. 


    Nasi lemak is good too

    Things to expect

    Variety of breakfast goodness

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    Kopi O


    RM3.00 to RM10.00

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    Joo Leong Cafe View restaurant

    179-H Sungai Tiram, 11900, Bayan Lepas, Penang
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