This famed and fabled restaurant has its roots from Johor and since the doors opened in Petaling Jaya few years back, they have been receiving tremendous applause for their local favourites prepared the Southern way. This is a no-frills outlet, simple and commodious with chic lightings and pleasant furniture. Spanning more than 15 years, most of the ingredients are shipped from their signature outlet in Johor. 

The menu is devoted to satisfying every taste bud, from classic favourites like Nasi Lemak, Roti Jala and Chicken Rice or sumptuous spread of Western delights. Lighter options also include pastries, toast and eggs and house-made cakes. It’s close to crime not devouring the Johor Laska, where thick fish based coconut gravy with a handful of bean sprouts, shredded cucumber, onions Thai basils and laksa leaves are topped on spaghetti. This might catch you by surprise yet the springy and sleek spaghetti downright complements the rich broth. Another traditional dish is Nasi Ambang, a Javanese origin and fairly consumed as a communal dish. However Del’s Kitchen has turned it into a single portion, consisting steamed white rice, fried noodles, serunding kelapa, sambal with peanuts, salted fish and slab of meat, either beef or chicken. 

For a more ethereal option, opt for their Roti Jala, which is soft and spongy and served with fragrant curry. Other must try includes Tauhu Telur and Kacang Pol which transports you to Johor after each platter. To cut short, it’s like walking into Johor amidst the bustling Petaling Jaya. Easy on the wallet and a genuine ride for the palate, it’s a party to all walks of life. Moreover, they do cater for parties and functions. 

Operating Hour

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

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