Frequently Asked Questions

Written by Updated ago

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a burning question about where you can find more places to eat?

Click on the FoodAdvisor icon at the bottom of our app screen and it will lead you to a discovery of new places to eat. Or if you have a place you would like to suggest to us, send your suggestion below.

Or maybe you are a F&B merchant and would like to know how to get your outlet listed, drop us a note at and we will surely look forward to introduce you to our readers!

Rankings of all participants as visible on our listings are solely voted by you, our beloved readers. With that said, we would encourage you to please vote for your preferred participants in order to ensure their rightful positions ranking-wise on our portal. Thank you!

  • Looking for more?

    Dear readers, please note that our listing as you currently see it is/are all the participant(s) in which we discovered. Feel free to give us a buzz if your favourite place is missing! Thanks!

    Send your suggestion