Best Seafood Restaurants in KL

Written by Updated ago

Seafood – a genre of dish that brings us all together, as one, until someone starts taking more than they should, then it becomes hell. Over the years of observing in a seafood restaurant, people tend to fight over several dishes including crabs, tiger prawns, clams, oysters and surprisingly, even fish! Hence, through a positive observation, we can conclude that seafood really does bring people together. Who doesn’t love the taste of the ocean? Fresh from the shores (or aquarium tank), cooked and served directly to us? Meat so tender and soft that it makes us crave for me. Plenty of method and styles to choose from – flavours, textures, presentation, fishiness, freshness and the lists goes on. Which is why we understand that seafood is an important criteria in our lives, hence here is the list for the Best Seafood Restaurants in KL!

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