If you are a fan of large portions of food or more specifically pasta and Italian cuisine, Vary Pasta is the place for you. With probably half of what they are serving in their menu printed on their signage, your food instincts will of course interrupt your thoughts and next thing you know you are inside looking down at their menu. Humbly situated in a corner opposite of KFC, it is a place made for all kinds of occasions; especially when their food is the main highlight!

The mushroom soup is very much recommended for a good starter before the main courses because made scratch from mushrooms and cream, the soup tastes authentic and thick. You can miss all kinds of appetisers but this one has to be in your list. Either that or the Goulasch soup can be experimented if you would like to taste the authentic ‘Italian’ kind of food. It is a bowl of beef potato soup just in case you were wondering.

Moving on to their main courses, as pastas is what this place is specialised in, you can choose according to your preference of Aglio Olio, Carbonara or Bolognese. They have different choices of pasta like Linguini and Fettucine if you are bored of the usual Spaghetti. Some pasta dishes come with the choices of meat served so order away! There are set menus with different combinations but still includes a bowl of soup, the main dish, a cup of herbal tea and some ice cream. Vary Pasta has a very interesting list of desserts like crepes or even cakes.

Your Western combinations like grilled chicken or lamb are often served with fries and instead of salad, in its place you will find a medium portion of spaghetti. Don’t say we didn’t warn you that you would be going back with a bloated tummy!


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