Tako Tao @ Sunway Pyramid Subang Jaya

Tako Tao might seem like a more than established chain now; mushrooming in malls across various states and cities. But how it came about was more than how it looks like now, instead, it's more of a life story. 

Its founder was inspired by then, a unique and peculiar way of preparing a Japanese snack called the Takoyaki. Treading across cities from Kansai to a halt in Osaka, the man decided to leave the accounting field to venture into sharing this lovely dish which caught his heart and attention. 

Cue Tako Tao, opening its first business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia- the founder's home town. But distinctive from the scene today, it was back then a hawker cart; scouring the streets of night markets to ensure if the Japanese Takoyaki was accepted by local residents. That is when eureka was echoed, when countless queues and demand for this little snack skyrocketed the charts. 

People were in love with the birth of a golf-sized ball filled with diced octopus, and when fused with more local touches like cheese, sausages, prawns, and chicken; the crowd grew exponentially. It has always been Tako Tao's aim to share this Japanese culture of culinary with local nuances to have customers feel at home. 

The gap between the culture of street food from both countries is also significantly narrowed now, with similar styles of preparations like flipping Takoyaki off a griddle in front of customers and Osaka-inspired stalls and shops, giving them a full, immersive experience. 

Operating Hour

Every day

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