Situated along Jalan Burma, Georgetown, adjacent to a particular Swee Kong coffee shop, a culinary specialist in its own right is on the rise to greatness. As a dish already known among many locals for its simplicity yet flavourful taste, the wantan mee is one of Penang's celebrated noodle dish, topped only by Penang laksa, Char Kuey Teow and Hokkien mee. And here in Wantan Mee House, they took the concept of making wantan mee to a whole new level.

In general, wantan noodles are served in their trademark dark sauce base which gives the dish its tell-tall look as well as enriching the overall savoriness of the dish. In Wantan Mee House, while they do serve the conventional version of wantan noodles, dark sauce-base and all, they also serve "Lor Wantan Mee" which is different in the sense that they also utilize a thick starchy gravy infused with egg in the presence of the original dark sauce. The resulting dish is quite the eye-opener and what's more, it taste good to boot, with improved smoothness and flavour.

The noodles are done rather well in a sense that they are springy to chew -simply put: al dente. With the addition of delectable wantan (available between deep fried or braised), sweet and succulent Char Siew (Chinese barbequed pork) -or tender shredded chicken; mushrooms and Choy Sum, the dish comes out as colorful as it is appetizing. With bits of fried pork lard to accentuate the dish's aroma and taste, further complimented by pickled green chillies as condiments, this is one dish to look out for whenever you are on a food hunt in Penang.

Operating Hour

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

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