Jalan Lembah Permai in Tanjung Bungah Tanjong Bungah

Also known amongst the residents of Penang  -or at least those staying in the vicinity of the area; as 71 Wantan Mee or Uncle Gan Wantan Mee, this particular make-shift wantan mee stall is manned by an elderly man along with his wife for quite some time now.

As its tell-tale nickname would aptly suggest, the place is favour by many locals for its Wantan Mee fare which by all account, is extremely cheap by Penang standards: at RM3 per plate and mind you, the portion is rather decent. Using only hand-made egg noodles as the choice of noodle base, the Wantan Mee is springy and made tasty with the presence of dark sauce. Savoury is the word to describe the flavour and the salty taste is not at all overwhelming for the taste-buds. Suffice to say, it is light and rather pleasant. Topped with a decent amount of Char Siew slices as well as a handful of blanched vegetables -specifically Choy Sum; you're indubitably in for a healthy meal at any time of your patronage.

However, if you ever thought that the draw to this particular place stemmed from the noodles, you've never been more wrong. Albeit the noodles itself is all nice and succulent, nothing else can compare to the true lure of the place; the wantan itself. Wrapped in starchy dumpling wrappers, the filling entailing pork mince is either braised together with soup or else deep-fried to crispy perfection. And wait, there's more. The wantan only cost 10 cents each. 10 CENTS! If that's not the best value for money, I don't know what is.

Hence, if you ever caught yourself on the prowl for Wantan Mee in the immediate area of Lembah Permai, be sure to give yourself a chance with this particular egg noodle stall.