Golden Gate Steamboat Restaurant George Town

Every mouth is different. The taste buds may remain similar but have appetites that settle for different feels. So, it may not be easy to satisfy all but steamboats may be able to help solve part of the equation. Avid steamboat lovers may probably go far to look for the place places. But let us all face it, not many enjoy dining alone, however, there are some who do. Anyway, steamboats are not a regular dining experience for most as the prices and the work can put some off. Therefore, it is best enjoyed on special occasions – birthday celebrations, family gathering, and probably even wedding celebrations.

Situated in George Town and not too far away from the quite popular Gurney Drive, this place can answer the call of some tourists and locals alike. Looks matter to some, and to others not as much. A colonial style bungalow, this restaurant may just be a picture worthy building on itself. Inside, it can be said the same. The classic look extends to the décor which makes up for the ambience as well. It is cosy and elegantly simple – classic style.

The sitting arrangement and setting, well in short, they all connect for the perfect dining arrangement. Specialising in steamboat, the usual is served here, in terms of the soup bases and ingredients. All the seafood here, are as fresh as it can be. For instance, the prawns are kept alive until it is ordered where it will be picked from fish nets. Also, the finely cut meat slices is one to try, cooked with the delicious broth, it ensures a great dining experience with all in.   

Operating Hour

Every day

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