Sometimes in life, we all need mother’s cooking. The recipes and love that has gone in to the food is unprecedented. But what if you are some place far away from home, and you long for your childhood memories. Maybe steamboat can help then. It may not be exactly the taste you remembered back in the days but what thing still stays, that is the time spent together with family while having steamboat, because let’s face it, everyone has had steamboat with family at least once in their life time.

Situated in George Town, Penang, not too far away from Little India, Ah Ma’s Steamboat is a place to definitely give a go to. This simple yet cosy restaurant ticks all the boxes in terms of a classic and traditional feel that is alongside good food and friendly service. More importantly, it is a great place to hang out with friends or family for dinner. To be honest, eating alone is not everyone’s favourite thing to do, especially when it comes to steamboat especially when there is plenty of items ordered but no one to share it with.

A full stomach would come quite quickly. Enough of that. The service here as mentioned, is relatively friendly, helpful and responds quite fast – great if you find yourselves running out of soup quite fast. Together with the cosy and simple ambience, their laksa based soup is definitely a must try. Along with their finely chopped meat slices and meat balls, it is sure to bring out the child in you.

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