To crave for some sugary sweetness is punishing but fortunately for Johoreans, La Gourmet Desserts is here to save your day. Imagine digging in colourful ice shavings topped with varieties of flavoured ice cream and enticingly decorated with exotic fruits towering the mounted ice shavings – this is exactly the dessert La Gourmet Desserts is offering its customers. With extensive menu to choose from of which of course without a doubt this dessert joint focuses on desserts that specifically stem from Hong Kong, hence, the ice shaving finesse, La Gourmet Dessert is the place to be for some of the best cooling desserts such as the classic Cantonese Tong Sui that will be very fitting for Malaysian under the constant hot scorching weather.

Some would say that this place is mango galore with desserts that are just downright packed with mangoes and its luring flavour of juicyness but nothing can top off La Gourmet must-have specialty of Mango Ice Mountain that literally depicts a mountain where up to ten people can scavenge on it, or perhaps if you have a rather adventurous taste bud that can have the masterpiece on one go, then be our guess. Interestingly, this place also houses some fully fledged dishes such as Fish and Chips that is just too perfect to have before scouring on the delectable desserts. Situated in Taman Pelangi where a lot of cafes and restaurants have been sprouting on for the past few years, this dessert joint is never short on its customers be it day or night and even considered as almost a nightmare during weekends as the line to get inside seem to double up as compared to the usual. Nevertheless the waiting will be all worth it in the end. 

Operating Hour

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Friday, Saturday

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