BBQ Chicken Wings @ Meldrum Walk Johor Bahru

Fellow Johorians, if you’re out and about looking for something light or just to satisfy your hunger Meldrum Walk has one of its best barbeque chicken wings in the area. Traversing through the narrow streets of Meldrum Walk be sure not to miss this opportunity of having a taste of this perfectly golden roasted chicken.


If you’re in doubt, some have mentioned that you just need to follow the trail of the fragrant bellowing smoke. Unlikely if that fails, the food stall is manned by a friendly, petite lady wearing thick cotton gloves to protect herself from the strong heat emitting by the charcoal. The front of the stall displays a line of chicken-filled skewers. The chickens are neatly arranged in a line in order for it to be cooked evenly.


The stall’s signature is its famous barbeque chicken wings. This slightly charred roasted chicken is served with mild chilli sauce. In addition, you also are given a choice to squeeze some lime on your chicken to enhance the flavour of the chicken wing. Aside from this, the bbq chicken stall also sells whole chicken and whole leg that is grilled equally perfect as the chicken wings.  


A small tip in hand: streets may be quite narrow and smoky but sinking your teeth into that hot crispy char grilled chicken is all worth it. Also, take note that the stall only opens from 5pm onwards till midnight. So if you’re ever staying for the night in Johor or just wandering around in the city, this barbeque chicken wings are one to savour on any occasion.